A Short Film that follows the story of Ana, an ambitious chef desperate to make her mark in the culinary world. With continuous past failures, her husband is skeptical anything will work. But when she gets her big chance by town-famous Chef Martha, her quest for success takes a dark turn as her strained relationship with food critic husband Gordon reaches a breaking point.
Genre: Thriller

Director's Statement

Devour'd is a story that peels back the glamorous facade of the culinary elite, revealing the cutthroat nature of the fine dining realm. In doing so, it provides a stark social commentary on what individuals striving to climb the social ladder become. Yet, amidst the harsh realities, it also illuminates a poignant truth — our collective need to support one another, especially in pivotal moments.


Devour'd was filmed on the Gold Coast, Australia across 4 locations over 5 shoot days. Have a look at how it went with our special Behind the Scenes video filmed and edited by Jack Harvey.


Debora Tamay


Debora Tamay is an Actor, Director, Writer, and Host of the Creative Constitution Podcast. Before becoming a filmmaker, Debora practiced as a Corporate Lawyer in Australia. She has previously led films including Halo:Monolith (2023), One Night Stand (2023), Dead Man’s Lottery (2024), and has appeared in Black Site with Michelle Monaghan and Pallavi Sharda. 

Jaz Sebastian


Jaz Sebastian is an actor and an Alt Rock/Cinematic Pop singer/songwriter. Jaz has a long history in musical theatre, winning awards and playing leading characters in major musical productions since he was a child. Jaz has recently starred alongside frequent collaborator Debora Tamay in Boy on the Radio (2023), Halo: Monolith (2023), and Relic #25. 

Erin Connor


Erin has received praise for her lead roles in Dru Brown’s cult film The Suicide Theory (2014), as Julie Nile in RISE (2014), where she starred opposite Australian icon Martin Sacks and was released on Australian screens in 2015 and across the US and Canada via Netflix; She has also performed as Jenny Bartlett opposite Temuera Morrison (Once Were Warriors) and Ken Jong (The Hangover) in Occupation (2018) and Occupation: Rainfall (2020), and in Beast No More (2019).

Behind the Scenes Look

Festival / Press Resources

Behind the Scenes Photos

Film Stills


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